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Our Beliefs

We take the belief and study of Biblical doctrine seriously, as what a person believes influences the whole of their life and their eternity. We endeavor to believe and preach a Biblical, Christ-centered theology rooted in the Scriptures as the final authority over all religious traditions and creeds. We believe God’s Word is sufficient for the needs of God’s people and remains inerrant and inspired from its original manuscripts faithfully translated down through the centuries.

We are a non-denominational church in Corpus Christi, TX. Our teachings are most closely aligned with historical, evangelical, Baptist views (the 1689 LBC and the 1644 LBC are good examples of historical Baptist teachings) and a general doctrinal statement of what our church teaches is available here for viewing. However, with those who differ on secondary doctrinal points we would say along with the reformer John Calvin, “In essentials unity, in nonessentials charity, in all things Jesus Christ.”

We strive to rightly divide the Word of God and emphasize expository preaching with Jesus Christ as the center and grand theme. Our preaching is a mixture of verse-by-verse, through different books of the Bible, as well as topical messages that seem timely and beneficial for the Body. Anyone interested in our teachings is encouraged to listen to some of the sermons on the sermons resource page and hear for themselves.

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